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Cultivating Peace.

This week, let's focus on Cultivating peace. What does it mean to cultivate your own peace? What brings you peace of mind? What brings peace to your heart?


Deaf North Yoga (™)

A Journal written by: ___________________________________

For the week of: July 5th - July 7th, 2021

What does the word Peace mean to you? Write your words or images below.

What steps can I take to cultivate peace? Here are some tips but not limited to these. Add some of your own.

  1. Make alone time a priority.

  2. Focus on your breath.

  3. Begin your day with calm

  4. Remember thoughts are not facts

  5. Focus on the present moment when you can. Easier said than done.

  6. Live simply.

  7. Don’t marinate in your upsets

Write a few of your own.

Create Daily Peace Practices. When you start and end your day with activities that calm and center you, the time in between will become peaceful as well.

When will you do your daily peace practice ? Write down the time and hour. Use this grid to track yourself this week.

Day: Time: My peace practice notes.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Create your own peace mantra for your morning and your night.

Example: Peace begins with me. Love, laughter, joy and peace. I am at peace. Nothing can disturb my peace.

Write your peace mantra.

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Deaf North Yoga

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